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What is Personal branding?

Personal branding.

Have you heard the phrase? It’s quite the buzz word if you’re an entrepreneur. Throw it around in conversation and you’ll be one of the cool kids. Ha! Kidding aside and beyond the surface, it actually has meaning. A brand is defined as “a set of distinctive characteristics that establish a recognizable image or identity.” Attach that definition to yourself and you have Personal Branding.

Why does that matter and why is it relevant?

If you’re a solo-preneur – in business for yourself – you’re not just selling a widget, you’re selling yourself. The KnowLikeTrust factor is what we strive for. People want to buy from and support a brand that they are familiar with – have a relationship with. In today’s very visual world, that often starts with imagery – imagery that tells a story.

How does that work?

At the core, it’s pretty simple – imagery with solid storytelling connects you to your target audience by sharing your personality, your expertise, and even reflecting your client’s values. At my studio, we start with a consultation. I want to know your ideal client avatar, your goals, vision, and any messaging you want to convey. Not sure? Don’t worry as I have prompts and questions that will guide our conversation. This consultation sets us up for a successful session which results in a cohesive catalog of imagery suitable for all of your marketing needs.

Do I need a personal branding session?

Ultimately, the decision to invest in a personal branding photo session should align with your professional goals and how you want to present yourself to the world. If you believe that high-quality, consistent, and authentic images can enhance your personal brand and help you achieve your objectives, then it’s likely worthwhile.

young mad wearing white shirt sitting on a stool
Woman sittig on a gaden chair in her yard with her pet dogs
photo of horse with rider
Dark haired woman sitting on a stool wearing white turtleneck.

The bottom line is that personal branding is just that – personal. It looks different for everyone. Let’s chat to see what we can create together.

xoxox, jenny

Want to learn more?

Fill this out and I will give a call back. This is your opportunity to ask all of the questions and learn about our process! I'm looking forward to our chat! Thank you.

Ocala, Florida • Central Florida Photographer • 352-615-7662

Jenny E Photography

Serving Ocala, Central Florida, & Beyond


511 SW 1st Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
