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365 Day Project | Day 28 | Ocala Photographer

Serving Central Florida specializing in family, children and seniors.

365 Day Project | Day 28 | 01.24.2013

Alex and I had to grab some firewood in the forest after dropping Nicholas off at school yesterday. No, I didn’t have to wield a chainsaw or anything like that. Actually (“extra”) *, Alex had to get up on his feller buncher and harvest the lower 40. Hee-hee. Honestly, we split a lot of wood a couple of years ago, so I simply had to load up the truck. Thank goodness. I didn’t want to stay too long as I had a quite a few errands to run in town before school was over for the day. So, I decided a walk would be a nice way to fill the short time we had. Fortunately, I brought my camera.

Last time I photographed a tree, I made a note to myself that I should have had my wide angle lens with me. I kind of felt the same this time around, but this tree was a little more forgiving. It was easier to photograph because it had a little more elbow room. Plus the late morning light illuminating the draping spanish moss canceled out any feelings I had about being ill-equipped. I just loved it. Doesn’t this tree look like it might come to life? You know, like pull it’s feet out of the ground and tromp around on it’s roots? Neat. And you know what? I’ve never noticed it before. We happened upon it by walking a different route. And the light streaming in was something that we don’t see often because of the earlier hour. Makes me happy.

There’s not much to share on the technical end. I bumped up the contrast in post to make the trunk stand out…but not too much. It was naturally in shadow as the sun was coming from behind. I kept the image in color as it coveys warmth. Black & white might have been too stark. Plus the color really separates the leaves from the spanish moss.

Thanks for visiting and have a great day!


jenny e photography




* “Extra” is the word that Alex uses when he wants to say “actually.” It’s quite funny. I continually correct him, but he continues with his interpretation.
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    Ocala, Florida • Central Florida Photographer • 352-615-7662

    Jenny E Photography

    Serving Ocala, Central Florida, & Beyond


    511 SW 1st Avenue, Ocala, FL 34471
